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Table of Purification and Recharging stones

Each natural stone is unique and has its own virtues. Therefore, this difference should be respected in the processes of purification and recharging of each mineral.

Indeed, some prefer sunlight to moonlight, others hate water or salt. It is therefore necessary to be very careful with the method chosen, because it can seriously degrade your stone if it is not adapted.

We therefore invite you to consult the table for purifying and recharging lithotherapy stones below in order to be sure not to make a mistake.

Natural Stones Purification Reloading
Agates Distilled Water - Earth - Fumigation - Incense Sun - Quartz Cluster
Aquamarine Distilled Water - Salt - Earth - Fumigation - Incense Sun - Quartz Cluster
Amazonite Distilled Water - Salt - Earth - Fumigation - Incense Sun - Quartz Cluster
Amber Fresh water rinse - Buff skin wipe Sun - Quartz Cluster
Amethyst Distilled Water- Salt - Earth - Fumigation - Incense Moon - Quartz Cluster


water, salt, earth, incense

moon, quartz cluster

Black Agate

water, salt, earth, incense

sun, quartz cluster

Angelite Distilled Water - Salt - Fumigation - Incense Sun - Quartz Cluster

Blue Aventurine

salt, water, earth, incense

sun, quartz cluster

Red Aventurine

salt, water, earth, incense

sun, quartz cluster

Green Aventurine Distilled Water - Salt - Fumigation - Incense Sun - Quartz Cluster
Blue Apatite Distilled Water - Earth - Fumigation - Incense Sun - Quartz Cluster
Beryl Distilled Water - Earth - Fumigation - Incense Sun - Quartz Cluster
Bronzite Distilled Water - Salt - Earth - Fumigation - Incense Sun - Quartz Cluster
Chalcedony Distilled Water - Salt - Earth - Fumigation - Incense Sun - Quartz Cluster
Orange Calcite Distilled Water - Earth - Fumigation - Incense Sun - Quartz Cluster
Charoite Distilled Water - Fumigation - Incense Moon - Quartz Cluster
Chrysoprase Distilled Water - Fumigation - Incense Sun - Quartz Cluster
Citrine Distilled Water - Salt - Earth - Fumigation - Incense Sun - Quartz Cluster
Carnelian Distilled Water - Salt - Earth - Fumigation - Incense Sun - Quartz Cluster
Rock Crystal Distilled Water - Salt - Earth - Fumigation - Incense Sun - Quartz Cluster
Fluorite Distilled Water - Earth - Fumigation - Incense Moon - Quartz Cluster
Garnet Distilled Water - Salt - Earth - Fumigation - Incense Sun - Quartz Cluster
Hematite Distilled Water - Earth - Fumigation - Incense Sun - Quartz Cluster
Hypersthene Distilled Water - Earth - Fumigation - Incense Sun - Quartz Cluster
Howlite Distilled Water - Earth - Fumigation - Incense Sun - Quartz Cluster
Jade from Burma Distilled Water - Earth - Fumigation - Incense Sun - Quartz Cluster
Jasper (General) Distilled Water - Salt - Earth - Fumigation - Incense Sun - Quartz Cluster
Labradorite Distilled Water - Earth - Fumigation - Incense Sun - Quartz Cluster
Lapis Lazuli Distilled Water - Earth - Fumigation - Incense Moon - Quartz Cluster
Larvikite Distilled Water - Earth - Fumigation - Incense Moon - Quartz Cluster
Lepidolite Distilled Water - Earth - Fumigation - Incense Sun - Quartz Cluster
Freedom Distilled Water - Earth - Fumigation - Incense Sun - Quartz Cluster
Malachite Earth - Fumigation - Incense Sun - Quartz Cluster
Mochaite Distilled Water - Earth - Fumigation - Incense Moon - Quartz Cluster
Morganite Distilled Water Salted - Fumigation - Incense Sun - Quartz Cluster
Nephritis Distilled Water - Salt - Earth - Fumigation - Incense Sun - Quartz Cluster
Heavenly Eye Obsidian Distilled Water - Earth - Fumigation - Incense Moon - Quartz Cluster
Snow Obsidian Does not require purification Sun - Quartz Cluster
Hawkeye Distilled Water - Salt - Earth - Fumigation - Incense Moon - Quartz Cluster
Bull's Eye Distilled Water - Salt - Earth - Fumigation - Incense Sun - Quartz Cluster
Opal Distilled Water - Earth - Fumigation - Incense Moon - Quartz Cluster
Tiger Eye Distilled Water - Salt - Earth - Fumigation - Incense Sun - Quartz Cluster
Onyx Distilled Water - Salt - Earth - Fumigation - Incense Sun - Quartz Cluster
Moon Stone Distilled Water - Earth - Fumigation - Incense Moon - Quartz Cluster
Pyrite Water-Earth-Fumigation-Incense Sun - Quartz Cluster
Sun Stone Distilled Water - Sun Sun - Quartz Cluster
Lava Stone Water - Earth - Fumigation - Incense Sun - Quartz Cluster
Quartz (rock crystal) Distilled Water - Salt - Earth - Fumigation - Incense Sun - Quartz Cluster
Smoky Quartz Distilled Water - Salt - Earth - Fumigation - Incense Sun - Quartz Cluster
Pink Quartz Distilled Water - Salt - Earth - Fumigation - Incense Moon - Especially no Sun! - Quartz Cluster
Rhodonite Distilled Water - Earth - Fumigation - Incense Sun - Quartz Cluster
Rhodochrosite Distilled Water - Earth - Fumigation - Incense Sun - Quartz Cluster
Zoisite Ruby Distilled Water - Fumigation - Incense Sun - Quartz Cluster
Selenite Full light Sun - Quartz Cluster
Serpentine Distilled Water - Earth - Fumigation - Incense Sun - Quartz Cluster
Shungite No Purification
Sun - Quartz Cluster
Sodalite Distilled Water - Earth - Fumigation - Incense Moon - Quartz Cluster
Topaz Distilled Water - Earth - Fumigation - Incense Sun - Quartz Cluster
Black Tourmaline Distilled Water - Salt - Earth - Fumigation - Incense Sun - Quartz Cluster
Turquoise Fumigation - Incense Little Sun - Quartz Cluster

Why do you need to purify and recharge your gemstones?


We know that healing crystals transmit their benefits to us to help us fight negative energies on a daily basis

Because of this, they drain their energy. Therefore, it is necessary to purify and recharge them at least once a week.

Different methods are offered in the table above.

Nevertheless be careful! Some of these techniques can damage your bracelet (if you wear natural pearl jewellery) so be sure to do your research before taking any action.

What are the differences between purifying and recharging?

Pufication Sauge

Purification is a process by which we will "discharge" all the negative energy that has built up and stored in your gems.

Recharging is the exact opposite of purification. It is therefore a process of filling your semi-precious stones with positive energies in order to be able to feel their maximum benefits!

Are there any exceptions?

As seen in the table, some exceptions exist! Amber, for example, requires no prior purification! The latter being a pine resin that has been fossilized for millions of years. It is therefore a living material and not a precious or semi-precious stone strictly speaking. She is therefore not to be treated in the same way as her colleagues.

How to recharge a 7 Chakras bracelet?

7 Chakras

A question that often comes up is "how to recharge or purify a 7 chakra bracelet? Indeed, this one being composed of seven different stones, it seems delicate!".

This question is very relevant and the answer is very simple.

Just leave it exposed to the rays of the sun or the moon for an hour or even in contact with an amethyst druse and you can once again enjoy the positive vibrations of your jewelry on each chakra.

To conclude

Recharging your gems is therefore essential to be able to take full advantage of the benefits they have to offer!

Be careful, never lend your natural stone (pendants, bracelets or any other jewelry) to anyone tonight without having purified it in advance!

Indeed, the energy accumulated in the latter could be harmful for the person preceding you.

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