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Cookies and Privacy




A cookie is a small text file identified by a name and which consists of a series of information transmitted to your browser when you browse a website. Thanks to this file, information concerning your browsing on this site will be collected.

Your web browser will then keep this file for a certain period of time in order to send it back to the web server each time you reconnect. These cookies have different natures and can have different purposes.

This cookie policy informs you about the different types of cookies that may be deposited when you browse the Site and is intended to protect the information that you transmit to us, if necessary, when you accept the installation of these Cookies when using this Site accessible from the following URL: (hereinafter the “Site”).

Our Privacy Policy informs you about the personal data processed by means of these cookies:

Please note that this cookie policy may be modified or supplemented at any time by Biomineral-France, in particular with a view to complying with any legal or technological developments. In such a case, the date of its update will be clearly identified at the top of this policy. These changes are binding on you as soon as you have been informed of the posting of the updated cookie policy, and that you have accepted it.


This cookie policy is applicable between the publisher of the Site, Biomineral-France, hereinafter "Biomineral", and any person connecting to the Site, hereinafter "the User".


“Cookies”: small text file placed on the Internet user’s browser. “Internet user”: any person connecting to the Site.

"Browser": computer software for viewing web pages and using hypertext links in order to go from page to page or even download online content.

“Browsing”: action of the Internet user consisting in connecting to the Site and consulting its content. “Site”: website accessible at the URL, as well as the sub-sites, mirror sites, portals and URL variations relating thereto.

"Terminal": material element used to connect to the Site, which may for example consist of a computer, a tablet, a mobile phone.


This cookie policy is applicable to all Internet users. Clicking on "I accept" in the information banner relating to cookies displayed on the Site signifies your acceptance of this policy, while allowing you to customize the Cookies that will or will not be placed on your Browser.

You acknowledge by the same fact that you have read them fully and accept them without restriction. The Internet user acknowledges the proof value of Biomineral's automatic registration systems and, except for him to provide proof to the contrary, he waives the right to contest them in the event of a dispute.

Acceptance of this cookie policy assumes on the part of Internet users that they have the necessary legal capacity for this or that they are at least 16 years old, or failing that, that they have authorization a tutor or a curator if they are incapable, their legal representative if they are under 16, or that they hold a power of attorney if they are acting on behalf of a person moral.


This article is intended to describe each of the Cookies that may be placed on your Browser, their purposes and their period of validity

4.1. General presentation of Cookies

4.1.1. Internal and third-party Cookies

As indicated above, Cookies are downloaded to your Terminal via your Browser when you first consult the Site. During your subsequent Navigation on the Site using the same Terminal, this Terminal will be recognized by our Site in order to allow us to personalize the Cookies that we offer you. These Cookies can be internal. In this case, these Cookies are fully managed by Biomineral. We are therefore responsible for managing these Cookies and are authorized to inform you about each of them. These Cookies may also be placed by third parties. In this case, Biomineral has no ability to configure these Cookies. You should contact each of these third parties for more information on how they use Cookies.

4.1.2. Persistent cookies and session cookies

Each Cookie differs in terms of its lifespan. As such, a Cookie may be persistent or simply sessional. A persistent Cookie is a Cookie stored on your Browser until its retention period expires or until you choose to delete it prior to this expiry date. A session cookie is a cookie which will be deleted when you close your browser.

4.2. Necessary cookies

In accordance with the recommendations of the National Commission for Computing and Liberties (Cnil), certain Cookies are exempt from the prior collection of your consent insofar as they are strictly necessary for the operation of the website or have the exclusive purpose of enable or facilitate communication by electronic means. The use of these cookies is based on our legitimate interest in ensuring the proper technical functioning, accessibility and use of the Site, and in providing you with the services requested. These include session identifier cookies, authentication cookies, load balancing session cookies as well as cookies for customizing your interface. These cookies are fully subject to this policy insofar as they are issued and managed by Biomineral. It is possible for you, by means of the procedure described below, to block these Cookies. However, this category of Cookies allowing you to access all the functionalities of the site, it is possible that your blocking of them causes certain parts of the Site to malfunction. Necessary Cookies are intended to be kept on the Internet User's Browser for a period of up to 13 months. The lifetime will depend on each Cookie and is detailed in the table below:

Cookies used Functions Storage period
_shopify_d Ensures secure payment on the site. session
cookietest Allows you to save the preferences of the Internet user with regard to cookies. session
Secure_customer_sig Recording of customer references in a secure manner in order to allow transactions to be secured. session

These data are kept in secure conditions, using current technical means, in compliance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulations and the national legislation in force.

4.3.Statistical cookies

Statistical Cookies are installed on your Terminal in order to collect information concerning your use of the Site, including the number of pages viewed, the number of visits, etc., with the aim of offering to improve the quality of the Site and to optimize its operation. These Cookies are likely to be deposited by VGE, but also by Third Parties listed in the table below. These Cookies are not mandatory. You have the right to refuse them at any time, without impacting your browsing on the Site. Statistical Cookies are intended to be kept on the Internet User's Browser for a period of up to 13 months. The lifetime will depend on each Cookie and is detailed in the table below:

Cookies used Suppliers Functions Storage period
kla_id Information on the behavior of the Internet user. 2 years
_ga Registration of a unique identifier. 2 years
_gat Registration of a unique identifier. 1 day
_gid Registration of a unique identifier. 1 day
collect Send behavior data. Session
X-AB Use to combine or modify Site content 1 day

These data are stored under secure conditions, using current technical means, in compliance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulations and the national legislation in force.

4.4. Marketing cookies

Marketing Cookies are installed on your Terminal in order to collect information concerning your browsing on the Site, including the content on which you click, but also on third-party sites, in order to offer you appropriate advertisements to your interests. These Cookies are likely to be deposited by Biomineral, but also by Third Parties listed in the table below. These Cookies are not mandatory. You have the right to refuse them at any time, without impacting your browsing on the Site. Necessary Cookies are intended to be kept on the Internet User's Browser for a period of up to 13 months. The lifetime will depend on each Cookie and is detailed in the table below:

Cookie Name Supplier Functions Storage period
_fbp Allows Facebook to provide advertising products 3 months
_landing_page Registration of user landing pages. 13 days
_orig_referrer Collection of information on the Internet user to target groups with similar references 13 days
_pin_unauth Tracking the use of Pinterest services. 1 year
_s Internet user behavior and interaction data. 1 day
_schn Biomineral-France.en Compiles statistical data from several visits Session
_scid Allows advertisers to target the visitor with relevant advertising. 13 months
_shopify_fs Internet user behavior and interaction data. 1 year
_shopify_s Internet user behavior and interaction data. 1 day
_shopif_sa_p Internet user behavior and interaction data 1 day
_shopify_sa_t Internet user behavior and interaction data. 1 day
_shopify_y Internet user behavior and interaction data. 1 year
_uetsid User behavior data across multiple sites to present targeted advertising. 1 day
_uetsid_exp Cookie expiry date. Persistent
_uetvid Biomineral-France Presenting relevant advertisements to the visitor. 16 days

Presenting relevant advertisements to the visitor. Persistent
uetvid_exp Biomineral-France Expiration date of the above cookie. Persistent
_y Biomineral-France Website optimizations and making advertising more relevant. 1 year
en Real-time third-party advertiser offers by Facebook. 3 months
DE Recording and reporting of user actions. 1 year
MUID Unique user ID to track users. 1 year
Pagead/1p_user_list/# Identifies the interest of Internet users for products or events on other sites Session
RUL Determines if the advertisement was correctly displayed 1 year
sc_at Snapchat ad content implementation. 1 year
tr Real-time third-party advertiser offers by Facebook. Session
V3 Tracking the use of Pinterest services Session
VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE Estimated user bandwidth. 179 days
YSC Registration of a unique identifier to keep statistical data by Youtube. session
yt.innertube::nextld Youtubecom Registration of a unique identifier to keep statistical data by Youtube Persistent
yt.innertube::requests Registration of a unique identifier to keep statistical data by Youtube Persistent

These data are kept in secure conditions, using current technical means, in compliance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulations and the national legislation in force.

4.5. Unclassified Cookies

For the optimal functioning of its Site, Biomineral uses cookies whose classification has not yet been made. However, each of these cookies has been checked prior to use and is adequate with the requirements of the GDPR. Unclassified Cookies are intended to be kept on the Internet User's Browser for a period of up to 13 months. The lifetime will depend on each Cookie and is detailed in the table below:

Name of Cookie used Supplier Storage period
_ks_scriptVersion Omineral-France 1 year
_ks_scriptVersionChecked Omineral-France 1 day Omineral-France Persistent
is_opc Omineral-France 2 months
kiwi-sizing-token Omineral-France 1 day
tidio_state_ejrcg2wa5hfngbbias8eoyqpxehl2hvy Omineral-France Persistent
umeng_callback Omineral-France Session

These data are kept in secure conditions, using current technical means, in compliance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulations and the national legislation in force.


When you connect to the Site, you are warned by a banner appearing on your screen that information relating to your Navigation may be saved in files called Cookies. You will then have the possibility of configuring the Cookies placed on your Browser during your first Navigation, and will be able to modify these choices later.

5.1. Configuration during your first Navigation

During your first connection to the Site, a banner allowing you to configure the Cookies that you wish to see placed on your Browser will appear. This banner briefly explains the purposes of each of the Cookies detailed above and allows you on a case-by-case basis to refuse or accept the deposit of Cookies depending on their nature. Acceptance is by selecting the "I accept" box, refusal is by selecting the "I refuse" box. If you wish, you will also be able to accept the deposit of all Cookies by clicking on “I accept all Cookies”. Conversely, you can refuse the deposit of all Cookies by clicking on “Refuse all Cookies”. In the latter case, only the necessary Cookies will be placed on your Browser. In the absence of manual configuration on your part, and therefore of choice of Cookies that you wish to be placed on your browser, only the necessary Cookies will be placed on your Browser.

52. Configuration during your subsequent Navigations

You can modify the configuration chosen during your first Navigation at any time. You can proceed to this configuration via the cookie banner of the Site. The Internet user can also delete or deactivate the use of Cookies whenever he wishes by modifying the parameters of his browser.

Indeed, each Browser offers its own cookie management settings. The Internet user may configure his browser software so that Cookies are rejected, either systematically or according to their issuer. The Internet user may also configure his browser software so that his acceptance or refusal of cookies is offered to him from time to time, before a cookie is likely to be saved on his terminal.

Finally, the Internet user may also have access to all the Cookies to which he has consented to the deposit and modify his configuration on a case-by-case basis if he wishes. For the management of cookies and the choices of the Internet user, the configuration of each browser is different. It is described in the help menu of the browser, which will allow you to know how to modify your wishes in terms of cookies:

- For Internet Explorer;

- For Safari;

- For Chrome;

- For Firefox;

- For Opera.

For more information on cookie management tools, you can consult the dedicated page on the CNIL website here.

5.3. Renewing your configuration

In order to ensure that your configuration is always in line with the Cookies used by Biomineral, but also with your wishes, Biomineral may ask you to renew your Cookies configuration. This configuration renewal will take place every 12 (twelve) months, from the date on which you validated your last configuration. Exceptionally, in the event of a substantial modification of the Cookies used by Biomineral, this renewal may take place prior to the expiry of this period of 12 (twelve) months.


For any additional information relating to our use of Cookies or the configuration of Cookies on your browser, we invite you to send us an email at the following address:

You will also find a whole set of information relating to the processing of your personal data by Biomineral by consulting our privacy policy at the following address: -de-confidentialite.

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